3/1/2022 0 Comments Animal EditionHello folks today we will talk about- well why cats love boxes so much? This is an interesting topic so if you will stay tuned! Alrighty so I have two cats and one of them LOVES to take a break.
Yea everyone does when they are tired. But my cat either likes to take a break on my bead ( don’t say aaaaaaæaaaaw) Or the boxes in front of the radio. My two cats usually pick the boxes. And you would not think boxes are that comfortable, right? Now cats love to have some company on there back. ( boxes boxes boxes ) that’s one reason, but there are more reasons. We all know that cats are predators. There ancestors loved to pounce on things. Yeah. But what I don’t get about this fact is how does boxes translate to pounce? Complex answer. When a cat is in a box they feel like they are hidden and can bull a sneak attack on a unsuspecting toy or even a person.
2/9/2022 4 Comments News & FoodBiden's New CatToday we will view this week’s weather predictions. It may be interesting. You may not need to wear three layers this weak. It is going to be hotter than usual. So if you will, stay tuned! So, if you don’t know, Joe Biden got a cat recently. Actually, it was his wife the first lady Dr. Jill Biden who got the cat in Pennsylvania. Oh, and if you look at those pictures you will You will see the cutest cat I have ever seen. But that’s not the point. This cat is one of the very few cats that have been in the White house. The cats name is Willow. He is about two years old. She was in fact a rescue. She is a grey cat mixed with a little black. Before Willow, the White house cat was in 2001 with George w Bush. OTHER ANIMALLS IN THE WHITE HOUSE There have been tons of dogs. One dog out of so many is Bo (he was president Obama’s dog) The next two are Debbie and Billie those are the hamsters of president Kennedy. Ronald Reagan actually did have a cat. Did you that Woodrow Wilson in fact had a couple sheep. Abraham Lincoln was given two cats, Tabby and Dixie. Did you know that president Biden meant to have a cat in 2020 but it came two years later in 2022? Willow is in fact a grey tabby. To be precise with green eyes That is all we know about Willow so far, folks. We will see you at the grill! Guide to HamburgersI know, I know, you are probably thinking “the Jony news has never done anything that has to be involved with food and Connor does not know how to co-” But no. you are wrong. Connor does know how to cook a hamburger so if you want to impress your parents, stay tuned! Before you cook your hamburger, I would recommend you get WAGYU beef. It just gives more flavor. When you get home let your meat rest for ten, twenty minutes out of the fridge. Yes this is the hardest part about cooking this hamburger, but it is worth the wait. After you have done that DO NOT put your hamburgers on the grill stove top or pan yet. First you take two small pinches of salt and spread it around your burger and do it on the other side to, then do the same with fresh pepper. Then put some Worcestershire sause. Once your grill pan or anything is hot, put your burgers in. If you don’t know how to cook on any of these materials, then just think of it as a stove top you flip the burger when it is done on one side and all of that stuff. Once you have that done you flip it. I know if my side is done because I either grab a fork and a knife and cut a small hole in the middle and if it is not pink all around. But don’t cook it to much. Or I just set a timer for four minutes on each side. Then once you have flipped it then wait one minute then put the cheese on. I love cheese on my burger but you could do what ever you want. But the only thing you cut on the hamburger when it is cooking is cheese. If you like unions on your burger or bacon, pre cook them.